The story of Bellator begins in Loria - a once human-owned, independent country that held on strongly to their for-war ideology and hailed Bellator as its all-mighty King. Withal, this ideology has been deemed “outdated” and barbaric by Loria’s neighbouring region - H.A.L.O, thus creating political tension between the two governments. At the time, the evil force of Kingdom of Darkness schemed to invade H.A.L.O, but the path to H.A.L.O must go through Loria. Employing a political and strategic deed, the Lord of Darkness - Obscurus sent a letter of peace to Bellator. The letter proposed a negotiation - if Loria was to open the path for Obsucrus’ forces into H.A.L.O, the country shall remain untouched and politically autonomous.
Bellator, a warrior steeped in the blood and pain of war, refused Obscurus' menacing offer. With a single cleave of Bellator’s sword, Obsurus’ messenger was executed as a signal of defiance. The elder council of Loria was utterly dismayed and voted to promptly dethrone Bellator, thereby stripping him of his command over the Lorian battalion. Recognising the crisis ahead, Bellator gathered 100 of his most courageous and devoted soldiers to heed Obscurus’ spiteful invasion, much to the council’s protest.
Each day, Loria’s outlawed troops continued to fend off Obscurus’ powerful army at the Gate of Dawn and had successfully done so for a full month. Entirely infuriated, Obscurus deployed his cowardly tactic and used dark magic to muddle the minds of Bellator’s soldiers. But, Obscurus’ lowly act could not viral the heroic aura of Bellator. Bellator’s ferocious hail echoed throughout the battlefield: "Fiercest heroes, be brave! So the sun shall shine upon our graves!". The entirety of soldiers was awoken from the perturbing dark magic of Obscurus, except for one unlucky, or better yet, one feeble soul. The soldier’s consciousness has been taken over by darkness and in his haziness, betrayed Bellator. Falling into the blades of Obscurus’ force, Loria’s outlawed troop was surrounded and brutally massacred; and the former king was not an exception.
Bellator’s death paved the destructive path for Obscurus to march into H.A.L.O, eradicating all things that live on his way. Unknowingly, Obscurus had underestimated the force of Light and was ultimately defeated, forcing Obscurus to retreat back to the Kingdom of Darkness. Since then, Loria and H.A.L.O became close allies until a civil war broke out, ultimately wiping Loria’s from the Summonian map. The High Council of H.A.L.O welcomed all refugees of the civil war from Loria and soon, they became an inseparable part of H.A.L.O.
Sword of Weakening: Bellator’s sword can deal increased Damage to enemies and reduce the target’s ATK. At a higher level, the Sword of Weakening deals increased Damage to enemies as well as increased Damage Reduction for allies.
Heavy Armor: Bellator’s tough armor can increase Armor and HP for all allies. At a higher level, the Armor can increase ATK but will marginally decrease Max HP for all Warriors in the team.
Protection of Life: Bellator’s protection can grant Reduced Damage for allies who have been affected by CC. At a higher level, the skill may cast shields for allies that were attacked and have the lowest HP.
Damage Block 123: Allies in certain slots will receive an Increased Chance to block damage. At a higher level, this skill allows the bonding of allies in certain slots. This means that Damage will be shared between those bonded allies.
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