Comprehensive Guide for Summonia's Journey to One’s Website!
Check out the website guide for Summonia's biggest birthday party!
Check out the instructions to get the Mighty Key and how to check the leaderboards on the website of Summonia's biggest birthday party!
Visit the website here
Instructions to get the Mighty Key
Step 1: Visit the website and scroll down to the Quest section
Step 2: Click on the task “Create SA Citizen account” and click “Register”
Step 3: Fill in the information as instructed and click “Register”
Step 4: You will be returned to the birthday event website. Scroll down to the Quest section to confirm the completion of the task (there should be a green checkmark next to the quest). If there is no green checkmark, please notify admin at Discord channel
Step 5: Enter the player ID in the box below to complete the process of obtaining the Mighty Key.
Step 5a: Download Summoners Arena
Step 5b: Log in and get the ID under your name in the Account section in the upper left corner of the screen.
Step 6: Return to the website, enter your ID and click “Claim”
Step 7: Wait for the Mighty Key to arrive at your mailbox and conquer Maknok!
How to check the leaderboard
The Leaderboard section can help you check the following:
Bake-a-Cake Workshop: The number of slots remaining in the total prize pool of 150K ASG for the first 100 people to complete the cake.
Quest for the Mighty: Your rank in the total damage you've dealt to Maknok among all players.
What are you waiting for? Head to Summoners Arena to join this great party!
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